Operation Timbang
The Team USWAG Ditay together with the Barangay Health team spearhead the monthly operation timbang (weighing of the child) held last April 15, 2014 at the Barangay Health Center of Ditay, Diplahan, Zamboanga Sibugay. The activity was part of the regular monitoring of the child’s weight along with their routine immunization.
According to World Health Organization (WHO) Philippines, poverty is the main cause of malnutrition because people are not able to eat the right kind of food they need. Lack of money means lack of food and lack of food can lead to malnutrition. Children are the ones predominantly affected by the said condition. Hence, WHO together with the Department of Health (DOH) conduct monthly Operation Timbang in different places where there is high rate of malnutrition. The children after weigh would be on growth-monitoring program at the same time given supplementary feeding.
The event was participated by more or less 48 families along with their children in the said community. The initial step taken would be a means in supporting and advocating responsibilities of parents in providing good food for their children’s well-being. -A.Sauti